
Some fingers in the air.

I got Steve Vinoski's 2007/09/29 erlang code, installed hipe and the bfile module, and it ran on the laptop:
fortinbras:$ cat ../datasets/thousand-o10k.ap > /dev/null
fortinbras:$ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray5 main 512 ../datasets/hundred-o10k.ap
110100 matches found

user 1m23.649s
real 1m33.683s
sys 0m1.620s
I'm not sure looking at either mine or Steve's code where the 1101th match comes from - there are #ifdefs in my line splitting code to print the lines, and if you run diff that output with the input it's the same, and if it was related to the last line in the sample it would give a difference of 1 not 100 for the hundred-times repeated file. But something's inconsistent between the two somewhere, and also with the original ruby code which gives 954 matches for the o10k.ap, or 1097 for the regex %r{GET /ongoing/When/([^ .]+) }.

From the gnome-panel dials, the erlang isn't IO bound in total on this machine - for the first few seconds it is running at max IO and 90% CPU, then for the remainder 99% CPU and does zero IO, so it's reading it all into memory then spawning processes to scan it. I'll leave it running overnight on the 10 million line file to how it fares when it can't fit the file into memory, though I doubt that has much of a bearing on what would happen on the T2 box, as that has plenty of RAM.

[Update: It took 52 minutes 26, and was doing disk IO throughout, but that could well have been paging rather than the IO it has to. Nothing to conclude, other than that it doesn't scale linearly - 10 times bigger file takes 34 times longer.]

fortinbras:$ cat datasets/thousand-o10k.ap > /dev/null
fortinbras:$time bin/tbray6 datasets/hundred-o10k.ap
matches: 110000
real 0m8.622s
user 0m0.284s
sys 0m0.248s

fortinbras:$ cat datasets/thousand-o10k.ap > /dev/null
fortinbras:$ time ~/projects/quad-store/bin/read_bench datasets/hundred-o10k.ap > /dev/null
real 0m8.754s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.180s
So the 64 bit-wide matcher on the AMD64 laptop is very IO bound; the difference between the total time of just doing the IO and scannning the lines is negligible.

At 2200 MHz, it's scanning 201 MB data in 0.284s, which is 2200*0.284/201 = 3 cycles per byte processed.

Sun's Thumper gives 2GB/s transfer into memory; the T2 runs at 1.4 GHz and assuming the same IO rate, we have 0.7 clock cycles per byte delivered to play with. 64 hardware threads would give about 44.

Running read_bench on one of the 'ancient creaking' Netras, gives:
tercel-2:$ time bin/read_bench datasets/thousand-o10k.ap 
real 1m15.449s
user 0m0.362s
sys 0m27.998s
That's IO bound, 2,095 MB/75.5s = 27 MB/s. The laptop gets a similar transfer rate figure on the same test.

The T2 is 200 times the CPU, and the Thumper 80 times the disk transfer rate; I'll assume that the T2 system's IO is comparable to the Thumper.

tercel-2:$ time bin/read_bench datasets/hundred-o10k.ap 
real 0m6.159s
user 0m0.058s
sys 0m2.834s

tercel-2:$ time bin/tbray6 datasets/hundred-o10k.ap 
matches: 110000
real 0m7.617s
user 0m4.054s
sys 0m2.504s
At 440 MHz, it's scanning 201 MB in 4s, which is 440*4/201 = 8 cycles per byte processed; it's IO dominated but not IO bound. Optimising the matching code would at best give a 20% improvement.

It's also using about 5 cycles per byte system time for the IO.

Since the Netra runs Solaris 10 and is a Sparc variant, and in the absence of better information, I'm working on the assumption that the 1.4GHz T2 would be close to it in terms of clock cycles per work unit, so to process the log files it would also need around 13 cycles per byte delivered. So either we'd need 13/0.7 = 19 threads, assuming each thread provisions another 0.7 cycles worth of work, or run 64 threads and can afford code that's three times slower than the single threaded variant due to concurrency management. If it's closer to the fat-piped AMD64, then only 6 cycles per byte and 8 threads would do.

Guessing even more widely, with a large dataset and large grain concurrency, the C++ matching code should be at least three times faster than the IO - using 8 to 20 of the 64 threads. The erlang interpreter seems to be around 10 times slower , so would require 80 to 200 threads to balance the transfer rate [correction: only the CPU time is relevent here, so it's 83.649+1.620s vs 0.284+0.248s, which is 160 times slower, so would require 1280 threads to get the same throughput]. If the IO rate is less than 800MB/s and the erlang scales across all 64 cores then the faster matching in the C++ won't give any advantage. I've no idea how good erlang is across cores - the only times I've seen it praised is many (conceptual) processes on small numbers of cores - it's a concurrent language rather than a parallel one. Inter-core communication doesn't come free, and any message still need either lock based synchronisation or CAS/HTM retries; as it doesn't matter which actor works on the data, in a C++ implementation you'd use a fail fast lock and try with a different actor rather than it blocking, so going lock-free would cost more than it would gain. AFAIK you don't have that option in erlang, and are stuck with the given queuing and scheduling mechanisms, though you probably could subvert them.

In computer science there are only three numbers - zero, one and many. If my estimates are anything to go on (and I wouldn't bet more than half a penny on any of them), on the target system you need many threads to solve this problem most efficiently.

Looking at the code for the bfile library, it shouldn't be too hard to move the 64bit wide string match into an erlang library, which seems more fun than fiddling with MPI to get the required thread count, but the required thread count is far fewer than the number of processes in Steve's code, so MPI or pthreads should be a better model than large scale concurrency. But erlang may be to concurrency as lisp is to dynamism - I like lisp, but I haven't found been any interesting problems which I could apply it commercially under the constraints of the business, and even though I end up greenspunning in most systems I write, the subset of lisp-like features which gets implemented to give dynamic behaviour is tailored to the problem, and the rest of the code can be performance optimised more easily.

On the other hand, my fiancée comes back into the country on Saturday and I'm supposed to have finished sending out our wedding invitations by then, and all this isn't really helping that to happen.


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